Wednesday, June 29, 2011

First bloggage!

So this is our first blog, hopefully of many! After a far too ambitious veggie plot last year (about 30x30...)we downsized this year to an 8x4 raised bed plus 4 tomato plants in pots, and different varieties of squash and cukes... in tires! Yeah, that's right. We hit up our local used tire joint in Custer and took some worn out tires off their hands. Last year after digging up a giant plot of sod, we discovered how crappy our soil (sand) was and that it would take some serious moolah, or years of home compost, to make our soil good for growing food. We also have super invasive horsetail that we battle daily. It has even found its way into our raised bed. Arrrrgh. It seriously is EVIL. We taught Hazel how to spot it, and pluck it. Hopefully we can prevent it from choking out our food!

Our little salad garden...

Happy Squash in Good Year.

So far our plants are very happy! We got some seriously beautiful plants from our friend Ali over in Ellensburg. Most of them are thriving here in our seaside climate, but we did lose the pepper plants in transition. We definitely miss the warm and fast growing season of Eastern Washington. How we took for granted the grape leaves growing wildly in our back yard... fresh dolmas? Ahhhhh, maybe again some day!